Paging Dr. Huxtable

<b>Paging Dr. Huxtable</b>

Thursday, September 9, 2010

A letter to my Children: Guess Blogger

A good friend of mine who has three children had a really bad day. We all know those days, the days where you are so angry you can feel it in every cell of your being.

She sent me this:

I am the freakin materfamilias (look it up in that thingy called a dictionary)

Got that??

This letter is to all of my children.

I am not going to name names as I type through this because each one
of you knows what it is you do. Do not attempt to be in denial about it.

With that being said, let me begin.

First off, I was so angry this morning, I thought my eyeballs would blow out of my head. I wanted to ram my truck right into that bus so I could give you even more of a ripping about how insane you all must truly be. What on this planet makes you think you can feed me some line of crap to weasel out of telling me the truth about what you are really thinking? If you don’t feel comfortable in telling me what you’re thinking, maybe that is a sign that this particular thought has no merit. I have a hard time believing that you feel like you can’t tell me the truth (like I’m going to beat your tail or some stewpit thing), so I am sticking with believing what you’re thinking has no merit.

I am sick and tired of being treated as your equal. I am not your equal. I am your mother and I deserve some respect as such. I am above you, like it or not. I pay your bills, I cook for you, I clean for you, I help you do better in school, and I try to help you do better in life. What has happened in any of your lives that has led you to believe that you are on my level, and that you deserve to have the things that I have and have already spent a good part of my life working so hard for??? I know what you are thinking, OMG! Mom is griping again. Well OMG right back at ya!!! I am over it. I try really hard to be a good mom and a little a lot of freaking cooperation would be nice. That doesn’t mean tell me what I want to hear. That means actually to LEARN from what I am telling you.

HOLY CRAP….LEARN?? YOU MUST BE JOKING RIGHT??!!!! But we are just kids mom, what are you talking about? We just want to be free to play games and sit around and eat whatever we like. Why should we have responsibility when we have you and Dad to handle all of our needs? After all, you and Dad chose to bring us into this world…so why must you make us suffer??? We had no say in the matter. Yeah, that’s right…I know that’s what you are
thinking. I pulled that crap when I was your age too.

These teenager years are sure to send me right over the edge. I have had an earful of WEE WAA. OH mom, do we have to talk…OMG, I just want to pretend the world is just going to fall in my lap and everything will be peachy perfect without me having to lift a finger. Are you serious???? Really???? I would like to set all 3 of you out on the side of road and let you see how far you’ll get on your raging good looks and the clothes on your back, and oh yeah, that Game Stop member card. That’ll really get you far!!! It is appalling where your priorities are sometimes. I want you to have fun, but can I get a reality check here?? Is this microphone on??? You are not babies anymore. Get over it. Suck it up and be somebody. Oh yeah, and just because you aren’t complete buttholes 24/7 doesn’t mean I should never correct you. Guess what…you are not perfect, your way is not always right, your way is not always best. I get so freakin tired of constantly saying , if you’re gonna do something…do it to your best ability. All I can
say is, if people routinely do a half-butt job for me…what am I supposed to think? Not much effort, guess it’s not very important! Oh mom, you don’t like the way I do anything. Am I not good enough? Do you not love me? Can I ever please you? OMG, call the freakin wambulance already. What a bunch of bogus crap.

Get over the laziness and lack of motivation already! When I ask and then show you how to do
something, please follow my lead. When you own your own house, pay your own bills, take care of your own yard, run yourself and your children anywhere you or they need to go, go grocery shopping, clean the house, buy clothes for everyone, make yourself get up and go to work day in and day out, buy vehicles, pay for health insurance and car insurance, and pay for gas …THEN YOU CAN DO THINGS YOUR WAY!

Here’s the deal
Life’s not easy
Nothing is free

Maybe you should take that money you are spending on video games and buy a bubble to live in.

I have spent much time today with my head in my hands. This day did not start well, nor does it continue to go well. All 3 of you have a large impact on my life and you don’t even realize it. Do you get that?


You have no idea how much I stick up for
you boys…all the time.

That is all for now.

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