It has become increasing clear to me that because I am mom of a teenager, a preteen, and a 2nd grader, I am no longer cool. The days of dressing in black, wearing doc martins, and head banging to Smells Like Teen Spirit has passed. I have accepted the fact that my sole role in life is to embarrass my children. In fact, I make it an art form. My favorite strategy is generally singing loudly to some random song as we drive down the road. My second favorite is to say things like, "OMG and LOL" in random sentences in front of friends.
However nothing I really do now shocks my children. They have heard "your momma" jokes from me one too many times. I have to work to get them going. Today that opportunity arose. My inner geek arose and I shocked the teenager.
The opportunity presented itself early Sunday. I was the only one awake in the house. So I was flipping through the television. There is not a lot of options early Sunday morning. So I checked out HBO looking for Time Travelers Wife and low and behold there it was, Dragonball Z: Evolution.
So I ran in the kids' room and to wake up Joey. Both boys have a strange obsession with Pokemon, Dragonball Z, and other weird Japanese animated cartoons. As soon as Joey understood what I was talking about, he ran to the couch. He did not pass go, did not collect 200 dollars, or even go to the restroom. We both sat on the couch side by side, watching this live action Dragonball Z movie. Honestly I found it pretty entertaining and Joey was enthralled and quiet. There were times he giggled and other times he tried to explain Japan to me as if it was an alien planet.
I listened and watched and listened and watched. I absorbed everything. Joey tried to wake Logan, but atlas he had no luck.
Dinner came around, I had made a nice Gluten Free Lasagna. While we were waiting for the lasagna to cool, I dropped the bomb.
I was like, "SO Logan I watch Dragonball Z this morning. "
The child's expression went blank as if I had just told him I was going to walk on the moon in my pajamas while dancing the Chicken Dance.
His response, "No you didn't"
I said, " Yes I did. I know that Goku grandfather died and gave him a Dragonball for his 18th birthday. He had to find all seven dragonballs before Picolo did and wished for Ocryus to come back so he can rule the world. I know that Goku has Ocyrus deep inside him and that he turned into a animal thingy. I know that Goku fought the enemy within and chose to be good. And defeated Picolo. I know that he used all seven dragonballs to call forth the dragon to make a wish to bring back his master, who I cannot pronouce his name. AND I know he marries She She and they have a son named Gohan."
Logan's face was blank and a look of complete confusion swept over his face. Apparently moms are not suppose to know about Japanese animation. Besides the absolute shock from his face, there was a certain amount of wow there too. In fact, during dinner I babbled on and on about this and he stayed quiet. Finally my husband started getting angry because the two younger children were having a debate about Goku and his wife and their kids.
I looked at him like, you know this is what you get for having a thing for nerdy women. You married me, my inner nerd was going to eventually surface. That nerdiness was going to passed to at least one, if not all of our children. Now when my inner nerd arises it deeply disturbs my 16 year old and it is just a bonus to my day. However, I am concerned that I will have to put money away for some future therapy for the boy.
very beautiful