So today started out as a productive day. I went to Barnes and Nobles and spent two hours working on my classwork. I came home grabbed Logan and we had a productive lunch. We set goals for his behavior. I was feeling like a super smart mommy.
I came home and was hanging with the husband when we got some terrible news. Needless to say, it cast a shadow over the day.
But leave it to Joey to do something so outrageous so we all ended up smiling and laughing again.
I let all the kids go outside and play on the playground. Joe and I really just needed some quiet. We decided we all needed some family time when the kids got back. So we planned to go out for dinner.
Joey was the first one to come in the house to check in so, I told to him to go get his brother and sister that it was time to go out to eat.
He ran out, not acting in any way suspicious. Within in minutes, Logan barreled in the house. He wanted to know if we knew about what Joey did. I told him he had to be more specfic.
"Did you guys know that Joey cut his hair?"
No, neither of us had any idea. We really try not to make direct eye contact with the kids because they usually just ask for stuff.
At that moment Joey walked in the door. Of course, I inquired about his hair and really took a good look at the child. I noticed that he had no bangs in the front of his hair.
"Did you cut your hair Joey?"
"Yes, two weeks ago. Like it was this summer," he responded quickly. I think he was trying to confuse me.
At that time Taylor chimed in and it became a arguement of when Joey did what and with what.
So this is what I derived, Joey in the last two weeks has been gradually cutting the front part of his hair. The scissors were stashed under the bathroom and the two older children had seen them on the sink on and off for a couple of weeks.
Now I realized that little Joey is a little genius. First of all he did it gradually, so I would not noticed. And it worked. Secondly he almost got away with it because of this next part.
All three of my children loves tattling. For them it is a hobby in which they have turned into art. So Joey knowing this took preventive measures.
It was Logan's friend who first noticed that the child had whacked off his hair in the front, his full forehead exposed. I assumed the child realized he was busted. So this child being the genius that he is told Logan he was going upstairs to confess. This was the time he actually walked in the house and apparently the whole checking in with us was part of this act.
When he went back downstairs he told Logan and Taylor that he confessed to us and he was grounded for two weeks. He then told them it was time to go home because we were having a family time. Unfortunately for Joey, Logan and Taylor saw gold and they had to double check and make sure we knew. I think they both almost tripped over getting up the stairs to make sure the child was grounded and all knew of Joey's crime.
So in the end even though Joey came up with a great plan, his siblings shoved him under the bus face first, or dare I say hair first.