Throughout my time as being a parent there is one thing for certain, I am not alone in this war. I have back up to this crazy battle. He is my partner in crime. Many times as a woman you tend to forget you are not alone in the craziness. Many times when our children have done something silly or inappropriate, my husband is my rational side. He is the one I yell, complain, and cry to when the kids lose their mind. In fact sometimes, I think my husband is the most rational person in the house. Parenting many times is about partnership and that is what he is to me, my partner in crime, my accomplise, and my witness. I am so excited that my husband will never legally have to testify against me, one of the benefits of marriage.
Single moms should be elevated to star quality, because to deal with those people alone and remain sane is amazing.
Many times I forget to tell him how much I value his partnership. So I want him to know, that I know I am not alone. He is my General, my number 2, and my therapist in many cases. The best thing about him most times is that he sits and lets me rant and rave about the kids inability to turn off the lights,being suspended for breaking into vending machine with plastic utensils, or the constant bickering.
Many times I forget to tell him how much I value his partnership. So I want him to know, that I know I am not alone. He is my General, my number 2, and my therapist in many cases. The best thing about him most times is that he sits and lets me rant and rave about the kids inability to turn off the lights,being suspended for breaking into vending machine with plastic utensils, or the constant bickering.
I realize how much I loved my husband the other day when one incident happened.
I was in the restroom getting ready for the gym.
I went to grab my hair brush and I knocked his brand new deodorant into the toilet.
I pulled the deodorant out of the toilet, threw it in the garbage, and washed my hands. I walked into the living room....."Hey we need to go to the store tonight, I dropped your Old Spice deodorant in the toilet."
He just looked at me with THAT LOOK on his face. The one that said, WOW I married this woman. The one I get every time I lose my keys or leave my credit card in the ATM.
"Baby, that is a testament on how much I love you. I could have just rinsed it off and put it back on the counter. Less
you forget, our children do silly things all the time and I am pretty sure it is genetic."
you forget, our children do silly things all the time and I am pretty sure it is genetic."
He has to deal with me and my tanturms and the kids nutty things they do. My children come by their tendency to do crazy things from my side of the gene pool. The least I could do was buy him new deordrant that was not full of toilet water.
I turned and walked out of my room thinking, wow I really do love this man. Deodorant is expensive and in the past I may have just washed it off, so for me to just throw it away is a good demonstration of my love. You know it is the little things that make a marriage work.