Paging Dr. Huxtable

<b>Paging Dr. Huxtable</b>

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Joeyism.....his soon to be famous quotes.

Joey is notorious for saying the funniest thing.....he is my muse. Here are few quotes from my future philosopher.

1. That sucks butt.

2. I don't know I can't read the words.

3. Is Nesta with Martin Luther King and George Washington?

4. Shake my money maker.....shake what you mom gave you.

5. Your gay Logan.

6. Mom, Taylor cursed. She said the "S" word. She said stupid.

7. I like my shoes on the wrong feet.

8. I don't know how to do it mommy, I am just a kid.

9. My tooth fell out, now I am 6.

10. Logan is a criminal, he needs to be arrested.

11. Dad won't let me tell him the truth about my feelings.

12. I am not arguing, I am sad.

13. I am sorry mom, I can't stop crying.

14. Taa-wer

15. No-gan

Who Killed Romance.....Oh Yeah Movies

Well I just finished watching Runaway Bride while Joe was sleeping. I love movies. Of course I love chick flicks the most. It makes you feel all warm inside. Then there is a cold realization that life is not like that and hits you hard. You end up mad at your poor husband who truthfully has not done anything wrong.

Why are women likes this, or at least why and I like this.....THE MOVIES.

I wonder sometimes if I had never watched some flaky romance movie would my relationship be different. Would I still hold my husband to a standard that he could not possibly achieve.

I remember my first one. It was Seven Brides for Seven Brothers. I loved that movie. It had two things that I loved dearly when I was young, dancing and guys. And the movie ended happily ever after.

I watched that movie over and over until my parents were ready to throw the tape out the window.

The next movie that had a profound effect on me was Dirty Dancing. Once again had my two favorites things in it.

These movies and many others set my up for a false sense of what relationships are all about.
and 20 years later I am still mooning over the movies and wonder what exactly draws me to these movies. It cannot be dancing and guys. Although I still like dancing. I just do not have time to dance anymore.

I think that every woman wants to feel like they are the most special thing to the man they love pretty much all the time. Or maybe that is just me. Maybe that is what I want.

I think a large part is to feel exactly what that woman felt when the man sweeps her off her feet.

I sometimes feel bad for my husband because I want him to be this way and he is rational and thinks it is stupid.

Sometime I wish he would meet me halfway.

Sometimes I think it is best not to let Taylor to watch romance movies. I do not want her to have some false sense of reality when she walks into a relationship.

In light of this, I would post the top ten movies that ruin woman expectations of men when it comes to romance.

10. Runway Bride
9. Ten Things I Hate About You
8. Titanic
7. A Walk in the Clouds
6. Pretty Woman
5. Ghost
4. Seven Brides for Seven Brothers
3. Dirty Dancing
2. Brokeback Mountain
1. The Notebook

Mommy your fat....don't be mad

Well I found a WII Fit at Stony Point Mall. I love that mall. It was were we first found the WII. I bought each of the kids new games so I could have my fun.

Joe was at a concert with the station so I had the whole place to my self. Logan set up the game for me. I was excited.

So I went through the body test. Well needless say I am overweight. Of course they do not account for my big boobs. Anyway they made my character chunky to match me.

Well the next morning, Joey commented on the fact that my MII was fat. He told me, "Mom, you know why your character is fat?"

"You will be mad."

"No Joey I will not be mad." I responded not really sure where he was going with it.

"Because your fat mommy," then he acted sad and like he told me something that I did not know.

I wanted to say well it was his fault. But I walked away.

Truly it is his fault sort of. It started when Taylor was almost two. I got pregnant but the pregnancy was doomed from the start. I had a hard time and had to have surgery. Well the doc told me that I might never be able to have another child due to scar tissue.

So I never went back on birth control hoping it would eventually happen. I tried not to think about it. After a year, I began to worry. I was a natural food store and asked the guy if he new of something that might help.

He told about progesterone cream. He said that it helped regulate your hormones and your ovulation. All I had to do was rub it on my wrist or stomach when I was on my period.

He left out on thing, it made you gain weight. It did. I gain 20 pounds during that time. But in November of 2002 when I was ready to give up I found out I was pregnant with Joey.

I have not been able to lose the weight that I gain due the cream. However I would do it all over again if I knew that it help me conceive Joey even though he told me that I was fat.

But I now have a plan to lose this weight.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Logan the Crimnal

Since the episode at Best Buy yesterday upset me so much, I contacted the company. I emailed various people and CCd the CEO.

To make a long story short, I got to go and switch out my television. Since Taylor was working on her project and Logan was playing guitar, Joe and I decided take along little Joey.

Well he chattered about multiple things and gave us his latest rendition of the alphabet song. The extended version.

So after we went and traded out the TV we drove to pick up something to eat. It was out of the back of the car a voice suddenly demanded that his big brother was a criminal.

Joe and I was floored. Little Joey started explaining to us that Logan beats him up all the time. That he is a criminal and needed to be arrested. He kept repeating that Logan belongs in jail and tried to convince Joe and I that Logan needed to be put away permantly.

He explained that Logan would push him and boss him around when we were away. The funniest thing was they way he said CRIMINAL.

Joey was not joking and certainly not backing down. At night he dreams that Logan is beating him up. My theory is that Logan probably pushed him around like normal brothers but I think he dreams the rest of it.

Of course Taylor is always sweet and nice to Joey. But Logan is evil.

I find it slightly hard to believe because that morning I had to almost Taylor and Joey off each other.

A Story of Customer Service and the Gerbil posted 2.25.2009 org.

The day started like any other day. I got up went to work.

About 2:30 I got a phone call from home. Logan never calls unless there is a problem. Well he informed me that our gerbil was dying. There is a back story to this gerbil.

First soon after adopting him Taylor picked him up by his tail and it broke. For two days he walked around with this bony tail. The bony part fell off. After that is brother tried to kill him. I had to take a day off of school to buy him a cage and nurse him back to health.

All the other gerbils we had died. Then one day the children left the cage open and he escaped. For one week we could not find him. One night the cat cornered him and held in one spot until Joe picked him up. He was missing a portion of his ear. They next day I thought he was going to die. But he bounced back.

After almost 4 years, Jeremy died today. So needless to say I was stressed.

I get home and tell my daughter and of course she falls apart. So I decided that we should get pizza at Pizza Hut.

On the way, I found the receipt for the my TV I bought from Best Buy in December. The TV had died the night before.

I spoke to a salesperson who worked for Best Buy who should never be made a one because she had the world's worst attitude. She sounded like the last place she wanted to be was at Best Buy. So she informed me that was not their problem because we should have bought the warranty. She had a total "I don't give a shit attitude". In my mine, there is a polite way to say that someone cannot help you.

So I got the phone and walked into Pizza Hut. I was already pissed. There were three people in the store. Not one person acknowledge me or said, "I'll be right there." Not one person looked up.

So after a few minutes I walked out. No one looked up or seemed to care.

This is my issue. With the economy as bad as it is, you would THINK that people would be genuinely happy to try to help you. For one because their company needs the revenue. And two because you need your job.

The last time I had a bad experience at Pizza Hut, it took me 5 years to order from them again. Now let's say I spend 20 dollars a week and they make 10 off me each time. Well that is 520 a year. 5,200 in 10 years. If they did this to 100 people that is 52,000 dollars in 10 years of revenue.

AND Best Buy I am even more disappointed in because I buy all my electronics there. Good customer service and they could have kept my business. Like I said before the economy is bad and competition is fierce. I hate to say it but next time I will go to Wal-Mart.

Nesta's Homecoming Posted 2.21.2009 org.

Nesta passed on 2.6.2009. She would have been 12 this spring. Since we live in an apartment we decided to have her cremated. I got a call on 2.18.2009 that she was ready. My heart sunk to know that she no longer a whole dog but a box full of ashes.

So we set out as family to pick her up. The crematory was on a side of Richmond I had only heard of, so with our trustee GPS friend we set out.

The place was in a small industrial building. Joe and I walked in. There was someone else picking up their pet. They left smiling. I thought to myself, that this cannot be that bad.

When it was our turn, we walked in and I began looking at Urns. Joe's face was red. I asked him if he wanted buy an URN. Part of me wanted a expensive engraved one. But I did not want to come back. The director showed me a plain black urn. I looked at Joe and he looked lost. So I told him that we would take it.

Joe went and got the kids out of the car. The director went to get urn that was available.

The director came in and showed me the urn. I definitely wanted it. Joe came in with the kids and he agreed as well.

We sat there while the director took the urn in the back to put Nesta in it. I still could not believe that she was only ashes. I sat with tears rolling down my face. Taylor was crying and Logan was completely silent.

The man brought her in and showed us the urn with Nesta. He explained the process so he could reassure us that this was Nesta. We finished the paperwork.

Joe carried her out office but we did not have the same look in our eyes that the previous people. We had tears streaming down our eyes.

I drove as fast as could. Joe sat and caressed the box as if she could feel it. Joey wanted to know where Nesta was, I told him I would explain it later.

We got home and ate lunch.

When I walked back in the room, I open the box with her urn. I pulled it out and hugged it. Then I opened it so I could stick my finger in and rub her bag of ashes. I cried again. Joe gave me her hair that he took from her the day she died.

All I could think about is that she now about the size they day Joe brought her home.

I went to the store and bought her a self. I wanted her to be in the living room where the family hangs out. I think that is where she wanted to be.

I finally sat down with Joey and explained to him that she was in heaven and how cremation worked.

Joey asked me if she was with Martin Luther King and George Washington. I told him yes. I sure they are feeding her french fries.